Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Two CDs, Two Books, and keep the change

What's rockin' my iTunes these days?? Well, it actually isn't rock at all. It's country. Big surprise. I can't seem to get enough country music in my diet these days. I consider myself to have a diverse taste in music, and am prone to making mix CDs for the car that drive Justin mad with their melting pot of genres. But these days, all my music money goes to country music albums, like "Backwoods Barbie", by Ms. Dolly Parton. The remake of "Drives Me Crazy" tickles me. I just like it, so deal with it. "I'm just sitting out here watchin' airplanes, take off...". Not only is Gary Allan crazy hot, but this greatest hits compilation makes my heart sing-literally!!! "Songs about Rain" is the highlight of this album for me.

I really like this version of Neil Young's " Don't Let It Bring You Down", by Annie Lennox. www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsvDHopJ7o0

I know that Dean Koontz is a mainstream author, but I have always loved his simple story telling. Because I am able to devour an entire novel within a few hours, I am heavily restricted on the amount of money I can spend on books. (not my rule) I don't borrow books from the library for the same reason I don't rent movies from a video store, I am horrible about returning the items until I get around to it. I once owed Giant Eagle $93.00 for a movie that Justin and Bj rented called "Rat Race" and when we lived in Stow, I had to pay the library nearly twenty dollars for our tardy return policy. These days half.com is my source for literary nourishment and netflixs for movies. Anyways, this is the latest by Mr. Koontz and by Friday, it will be mine.

If you aren't a Food Network regular, like myself, you probably don't know who these two guys are. Perhaps you have heard of Paula Deen. These are her two sons, Bobby and Jamie. They work with their famous mama at "The Lady and Two Sons" in Savannah, Georgia. Their cooking style is reminiscent of Paula's- sweet and savory with no calories spared. That being said, I can't wait to get my hands on their new cookbook, soon to hit shelves.