Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Obsession

I am obsessed with iTunes.
Somewhere a stockholder for iTunes is cheering me on as a click "download", over and over and over again.
I mean it's only .99, right? Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a total sucker for anything that costs a buck. And what could make my life more complete than to own every popular song from the 70s and 80s? I own the entire Cyndi Lauper collection in original recordings and concert series. And just the other day I said to myself...geez you don't own enough Alison Krauss. I got 'em all, now! And as if it wasn't bad enough that I download atleast 2 new songs everyday, I am now into downloading comedy series at 1.99 a pop. Which is not as addictive, because I could get 2 songs for that price. See how I justify my spending? Justin has proclaimed that this is going to all culminate into a "step" program in which I will be deemed an ituneaholic, and never be allowed back on that computer again! Until then, I am downloading furiously to get my fix.

1 comment:

Marie said...

i completely understand ;)