Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Surgery and Other Things

So. I get to meet with my surgeon next week and schedule my gallbladder surgery. Bah!!!! Anything will be better than the way I have felt the past year, I guess. Still, I've never spent any time in the hospital or even had a broken bone. As a matter of fact, I never even missed one day of school from Kindergarden through High School. (I received that award at my senior banquet. Talk about an embarrassing moment.) So, I guess I should feel fortunate to have experienced a relatively healthy life. However, I don't relish the thought of having a giant needle pushed through my belly button, or having 3 incisions made in my abdomen. Whatever it takes.

So. Have you heard the latest Rascal Flatts CD? I'm in love. My mom and I created the coolest slide show of old family photos with the tune "Yes, I do" in the background. I can't get enough of this song. The whole CD is phenomenal! Check it out, you won't be sorry.

Family hand-me-downs are the best! I just inherited my grandfather's baby rocker. It has been in our family for over 300 years! I can't wait to put it in our baby's room someday.

Lucy, Abbey and Honey are driving my up a wall! They can't wait to get outside and play in the sunshine. Speaking of which, where the hell is the sunshine? I love a good snowstorm. I also love a rainy afternoon in the house. But, this is ridiculous! Predictions of snow tomorrow???? Bring on the sunshine, cookouts and fishing!

1 comment:

Marie said...

yuck...i heard that was coming up :(
BUT i'm sure you will feel much better after-my friend who had her's out sure did

and oh you goodie two shoes you ;)