Saturday, June 16, 2007

5 Guilty Pleasures

1. Black Nail Polish. Love It. It's trendy. It's classy. It looks great with anything. It's just plain fun!
2. Flip Flops. Year round use and great for the person who hates to be bothered with bending down to put on their shoes.
3. DVR
4. McDonald's Iced Coffee in the hazelnut or vanilla flavor. For a mere $1.99, I can get a giant bucket of this delectable drink on my way to work without exiting my car. *Bonus* It is made with low-fat milk, so drink up amigos!
5. God bless the person who invented air conditioning. I feel extreme guilt each time I flip the switch to "blizzard", but without this modern commodity, I could never sleep soundly 5 months out of the year.

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