Thursday, October 18, 2007

Any Day Now...

It's going to become fall. Or is it? I feel deceived by mother nature. By this time of year, it should be chilly, day and night. Cold drizzling rain should plaster hundreds of multi-colored leaves to my windows- inspiring me to spend the day cozied up on the couch with a book. This time of year also offers hundreds of products from candles to gourmet blended drinks, all tainted with the alluring pumpkin scent and flavor. Candied and caramel apples call to you from their shelves at the supermarket...mmmm. Autumn isn't all food and chilly-day sweaters! No sireee! It is a time to slow down, to reflect, recollect yourself for another busy year. I put my heart and soul into so many things in my life that I manage to leave a little piece of it everywhere. For the next three months, I can invest myself in my family and friends. I can go shopping for nothing in particular with my mother-in-law or make Christmas cookies with my niece. I can spend a whole afternoon gabbing to my grandma, hanging out with my mom, or taking the dogs for a walk. My job loses much of its expectations at this time of year and I take full advantage of it.
So in short- I guess I want you to grab a sweater, bake a pie and do something you really enjoy and not feel guilty. Because Fall is your time.


Marie said...

wow. you are such a good writer...

Meese Greecem said...

I like pie too