Thursday, November 01, 2007

Imagine This.....

I'm driving down the road at 4 a.m. on a cold, fall morning in October. I'm half asleep at the wheel with Justin quietly snoring next to me. My car is quickly traveling up 77N through the a.m. fog when suddenly the silence is broken by the sound of my rear window exploding into the backseat. And what could cause this explosion you ask?? Why yes, some stupid hillbilly did fire off a semi-automatic weapon into the dark night, which consequently impacted my rear window and nearly killed us both!! The ever- helpful State Highway Patrolmen who answered our emergency call reassured us that, "this kind of thing happens all the time". SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?! I should feel glad that neither of us were killed by this wayward bullet, but I can't stop thinking about the injustice of having to spend $300 to replace something I didn't break!!! And let's not forget the fact that if I were carrying a passenger in my backseat, they probably would not be with us any longer. I encourage everyone to write their governor and get some sane laws passed in this state that punish/eliminate the selling and use of these over zealous weapons that kill more people every year than deer! If you want to kill a deer, do what everyone else does in this state and hit one with your car!!!

1 comment:

Marie said...

oh my GOSH.
i had heard, but i didn't know it was SHATTERED!!!!! so glad you guys are ok!!!!!!!!