Tuesday, January 15, 2008

26 Years Old

This year you had to work on your birthday again! I took the day off work so I could run you to the BMV for new license plates and out for a birthday lunch celebration. Despite the fact that you were so tired from work that you could have face-planted in the snow without hesitation for 8 hours, you were a good sport and ran the errands with me. You enjoyed the Chinese buffet luncheon, although I was sorely disappointed you didn't let me coax our server into singing you a rousing, broken-English version of "Happy Birthday". Oh well, there's always next year;)

I think you were surprised this morning when I dove out of bed at 7:30, ran past you without a word, and straight in to the bathroom to brush my teeth. You stood outside the door as I was furiously brushing asking me if "I remembered what day it is?" "Of I remember silly", I teased. "It's the day your license plates expire." I swung open the door only to see that dejected look on your face- which I promptly wiped away with a big [non-morning breath] birthday kiss.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart! You are the most special person in my life. I can't imagine a single day without you in it. I know this is a cliche and chic-like thing to say, but I could never love you as much as I did the when we first met...

I love you so much more!

Love~ Pickle

1 comment:

Marie said...

happy birthday justin!!!!!