Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rotten Mood!

Rotten Mood Reason #1

I awoke this morning to my constant cold. It retreats long enough for me to forget about it and then returns with a vengeful sneak attack when I'm not expecting. Darn sneaky cold. Justin says I'm trying to cultivate a super virus and that each time it returns it is gaining strength. I can't help but imagine a swirling vortex of germs (imagine what a germ might look like here) back building for some great crescendo of sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-headed, fever tornado! It's not a pretty sight. If I had the strength I would whip up a batch of crock-pot chicken noodle soup. So yummy and soothing when I am sicky.

Rotten Mood Reason #2

Last night was the first time it has snowed in a while. I mean in a significant, measurable way. It has been so cold that we are still looking at the same snow that fell like three weeks ago. I'm so over the sub-zero temperatures. That being said, most people who know me, know that I don't wear coats. Not in years! Coats are bulky and limit my range of movement in a car. They make me feel claustrophobic. However, a coat probably would have provided some type of padding, when I fell down a flight of steps last night. Fell is putting it mildly. As soon as I stepped onto the porch, both feet slid forward and my body clumsily jutted backward until I was flat on my back, looking star-ward. I then proceeded to bounce down the stairs like a human bobsled. My purse flew to the right, and my keys were tossed into the air like confetti as I bounced to the bottom. It took us nearly 15 minutes to find my keys which landed in the bushes 5 feet away. Needless to say, my backside is covered in scrapes and bruises! As is my pride!

Rotten Mood Reason #3

Our fridge is dying. The freezer no longer freezes fudgicles and every few hours it leaks a cup full of water on the floor. Normally, I would be delighted to add a new appliance to my kitchen, but not right after Christmas! Not right after we just bought a new television. Not when property taxes are due next month! I was hoping it would last long enough to be replaced by a shiney, new, black, side-by-side Whirlpool I have been dreaming about from Sears. No such luck!

Heard Enough?!?!?! Tired of my whining?!?! Here's one more for the road.

Rotten Mood Reason #4

I just opened our gas bill. The envelope was curiously bulky. Not a good sign. Verdict: We should invest in natural gas. We would be rich beyond our wildest dreams. Although- seeing this bill is incentive enough to walk across the room and turn the thermostat down a few degrees!


Marie said...

yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. hope things get better soon!!!

and i hear you on the gas bill thing-we turned ours way down last week...although we were so cold today we had to turn it up a bit. oh well...

Unknown said...

This super virus has got me down too! Think Christmas was just WAY too stressful this year.....