Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday, Memorial Day, and The 2 Month Mark

1. Happy Memorial Day to all! I do love a paid holiday from work.
2. I'm happy to report a 22lb loss from my dieting/workout regime. I went and bought new workout clothes and a new pair of jeans today. I was practically beaming when I realized a needed pants TWO sizes smaller. YEAH!!!!
3. Justin's new job at the First Merit tower is working out great! We are however looking forward to a day when he isn't working all three shifts during the week.
4. I am having to relearn every recipe I ever made, which is turning out to be harder than expected. You would be surprised to see how many unnecessary calories can be avoided by making small changes to everyday cooking. I will post some updated recipes in the future for lighter, healthier fare. Marie, I have been messing with that recipe you made for Christmas breakfast and I think you will like the changes I have made.
5. Lastly, I would like to say Happy Two-Month Birthday to my nephew Charlie. I've been slacking lately, so I don't have any up-to-date photos of him. He is absolutely adorable and looking more like his daddy everyday. I have it on good authority that he is a good sleeper and adores his big sister Lily. I rarely hold babies, so I got a big surprise when I scooped him up after his dinner and patted his back! He's so darn cute I didn't even remember it happened until Justin pointed in out later at Target:) Here's a few photos of day one with Charlie Boy. Hopefully, I'll get some new pics when my new Digital Rebel XSI shows up next week!
Big Yawn For A Big Day!

I absolutely adore this photo of Charlie and Marie. Have you ever seen two people look more content?


Marie said...

oh i already miss those wrinkly hands!

and yea on the camera!!!

Unknown said...

Your picture of Marie looking at Charlie is the best new mommy photo I have ever seen.