Friday, May 25, 2007

"The View"

I can't resist throwing a few thoughts towards this talkshow. This show is well known for it's inability to assemble a group of hosts that can peacefully discuss topics affecting our world today. I sat and watched the episode of Rosie O'Donnell and Elizabeth Hasselbeck feuding over a comment that Rosie had made on a previous episode regarding nearly 3/4 of a million dead Iraqi citizens. This comment sent waves of anti-patriotism accusations Rosie's way and ended with an all-out bitch fit on national television. I believe the intention of this show is to discuss certain sensitive topics and hear views and opinions from four different women. Thus, should we not expect to get 4 different opinions? Instead of being able to listen to the topic matter and see a few different points of view, we are subjected to the childish, high-pitched squeals of an obviously pissed- off Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I was truely surprised that Hasselbeck didn't throw herself to the floor and scream like a three year old child! I suspect Republicans everywhere were as embarrassed as myself that this woman associates herself with the party. Never-the-less, I believe the point here is that regardless of whether you agree with something someone says, this is still America and everyone is entitled to their opinion! Congrats to O'Donnell for remaining civilized in her responses to Hasselbeck. She possesses the qualities necessary to express one's self even in the face of opposition.
I would not be inclined to say that I agree 100% with O'Donnell's comments regarding this topic. I might suggest that declining to believe there is some validity to her comment is cowardly. We may love our troops without supporting the assignments they have undertaken. We must dare to oppose our governments decision making at all times, for with indifference of good people comes great evil. How many innocent lives will end today because no one had the guts to accuse our government of wrong-doing.

1 comment:

Meese Greecem said...

Have have absolutely no comment for the View. Tap tap tap DELETED!