Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's Been Going On!

I guess it's true what they say, "You can't keep a good dog down!". A foot and a half of snowman-snow couldn't keep my retrievers on the sidelines. They raced around like maniacs despite the fact that the snow was SO deep. That being said, we are considering their futures as sled dogs. Seriously though, when they see snow their eyes look like Christmas morning. They just love it! This is so yummy!! If you have a crock pot, this is the meal for you. Red Skin Potatoes, Green Beans, a Ham Steak cubed, or boneless porkchops cubed, salt, pepper, garlic, H2O, and a mondo pile of sliced onions and this is one healthy and delicious dinner that's worth a second helping. This is a shot of the completed dish minus the crusty bread and glass of milk I serve with it!
Lastly is my new fridge. I totally dig black appliances, so the new fridge HAD to be black to go with my theme. Next on our kitchen makeover is the painting...sigh. Having a big kitchen with ajoining breakfast nook is cool most of the time, but it's a real bummer when you have to tape and paint around like a thousand corners. So, I'm going to paint the walls a rockin' shade of my favorite color: lavendar and trim it up with cabbage green and build in new yellow shelves in the breakfast nook. After that it's on to a matching, black, glass top stove and possibly new breakfast nook furniture sometime down the road. All things in due time. (Whatever that means!) Anyways, if you look really close, you might see a picture of yourself on my fridge. I spend lots of time in the kitchen, so I like to have you all there with me!

1 comment:

Marie said...

oh how i miss my fridge pictures...