Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving! and some note worthy snow and other ramblings...

November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Evening
A nice dusting of snow settled over our little corner of the world today. It was perfect weather for a warm, family gathering. My house is glowing with Christmas lights already, I can hardly believe the season is already upon us. I'm going to celebrate this Christmas differently than ever before. I'm going to turn out all the house lights and sit down cross-legged on the floor and watch the tree lights twinkle. I used to do that. All the time. I'm going to use my Grandma's rolling pin and make lots of cookies and candy. My Grandma believed that cookies could make anything better. Anytime I would throw a fit or get hurt she would offer me a cookie. Come to think of it, Grandma fed me an awful lot of cookies. I blame Grandma for my thighs and bum! (haaa!) But, I digress. Baking has taught me a lot about patience. She believed in decorating for Christmas out of enjoyment. I definately like that. I had so much fun putting up my tree. But patient with Christmas lights, I am not. I ended up tossing last years remnants for crisp new sets that twirled around the tree with ease. It may sound wasteful, but I think I'll continue to throw out my Christmas lights each year as a present to myself in the coming year. The point of my rambling, is that I expect this Christmas season to be filled with the kind of peace you feel when nothing is wrong. Do you know what I mean? No worries, no hangups, no itchy demands- none of it! Just satisfaction with your little place in the world. This holiday season forget about mountains of gifts, do something good for others, and find a little peace on earth.

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